Inhuman Swill : Page 15
Why is my blog called Inhuman Swill? Because you can unscramble the pieces to make William Shunn.
A new French animated thriller finds shades of gray in a black-and-white future.
Ella and the sphere of ultimate evil
In this brief wintry clip, Ella demonstrates her rebounding technique:
They can have my crayons when they pry them from my cold, dead hand
Over in her journal, Sarah Prineas posed this question: I'd like to hear, either in comments or linked to an entry in your blog, about how you started writing. I don't want to hear that you were a writer ever...
Ella and the garden of Zen wrestling
Ella spars around a Japanese maple with her arch-nemesis Nyla for four and a half tranquil minutes, accompanied only by the soft, soothing sounds of news radio. Pure bliss-out:
The 6.585 x 1021 ton elephant in the room
I began thinking about global warming again today, sparked by a posting by Christopher Bigelowor rather, by a couple of the complacent jackasses who responded to the post. (Sorry if they're friends of yours, Chris.) While I think it's nice...
If this had been an actual emergency...
For the past few days, I've thought I might smell just a dash, just a soupçon, just one wafer-thin mint's worth of natural gas in the kitchen. I would sniff, and my wife would tell me I was crazy. It...
Fahrenheit 451
A dystopian classic shows us the temperature at which the New York stage catches fire.
Kindly inclined reviews
One of these days I will be through obsessively posting about "Inclination," but not yet, not yet. I took a little time out from noveling today (200 pages due to the workshop tonight, and I just might make it!) to...
C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America
A world in which the South won the Civil War looks disturbingly like our own.