October 2017 : Page 2

Tuesday Funk #109.5 -- SATURDAY! Oct. 14, 2017

What, Tuesday Funk on a Saturday!? That's right! We doing a special Andersonville Arts Week edition of your favorite eclectic monthly reading series on Saturday, October 14, with readings by Kellye Howard, Karen Clanton, Aaron Cynic, Benjamin Goluboff, and Paul...  read

Episode #109 Debrief

The weather was weirdly warm for October, and the feelings at Tuesday Funk were warm as well. Did you miss it? Well, here's what happened. Anne Abel led us off with a personal story about depression, family and a dying...  read

Reminder: Tuesday Funk #109 is tonight!

Is it fall yet? Come bring your cozy scarves and stylish boots (and everything in between) to Hopleaf tonight and enjoy some live lit from Jeff Phillips, Anne Abel, Ines Bellina, Tom Haley, and Norman Doucet! Your humble co-hosts Andrew...  read

Meet Our Readers: Norman Doucet

Norman Doucet hails from the den of the southern rebellion, Charleston, South Carolina. Influenced by the duality that exists there, he made some interesting decisions, starting with attending the college--founded after a slave revolt--which also has the dubious distinction of...  read
Tuesday Funk

About Us

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.


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