October 1995
AUTHOR'S NOTE:  "Terror on Flight 789" is a very early, much shorter draft of what would eventually become my book-length memoir, The Accidental Terrorist. If you like what you read here, please consider ordering a copy of the book, which is significantly revised and expanded from this version.

Foreword: A Record in Mine Own Hand

var photo = 0; var over = new Array(2); over[0] = new Image(242,192); over[0].src = "https://www.shunn.net/terror/img/nametag.gif"; over[1] = new Image(242,192); over[1].src = "https://www.shunn.net/terror/img/nametagreverse.jpg"; function overNameTag(thispic) {photo = 1 - photo; thispic.src = over[photo].src;}And I know that the record which I...  read

About October 1995

This page contains all entries posted to Terror on Flight 789 in October 1995. They are listed from oldest to newest.

November 1995 is the next archive.

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