January 1996 : Page 2
AUTHOR'S NOTE:  "Terror on Flight 789" is a very early, much shorter draft of what would eventually become my book-length memoir, The Accidental Terrorist. If you like what you read here, please consider ordering a copy of the book, which is significantly revised and expanded from this version.

Chapter 18: We Replaced Their Everyday Coffee with This Toxic Sludge

We ended up somewhere in the middle of a cell block that was larger than I could properly perceive in the darkness. The cop unlocked a barred door and held it open for me. I walked through. The door slammed...  read

Chapter 17: If I Strip for You, Will You Leave Me Be?

I didn't realize it yet, but I was walking into one of the most harrowing nightmares of my life—one that, frighteningly enough, would have made me a true living legend in the Canada Calgary Mission if earlier events hadn't already...  read

Chapter 16: The Elder's New Clothes

After another immeasurable period of waiting, in even deeper despair than before, I heard a new guard come to my cell. "Visitors, Shunn," he said, unlocking the door. "Coupla fellows from your church. They've even got some different clothes for...  read

About January 1996

This page contains all entries posted to Terror on Flight 789 in January 1996. They are listed from oldest to newest.

December 1995 is the previous archive.

February 1996 is the next archive.

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