December 1995 : Page 2
AUTHOR'S NOTE:  "Terror on Flight 789" is a very early, much shorter draft of what would eventually become my book-length memoir, The Accidental Terrorist. If you like what you read here, please consider ordering a copy of the book, which is significantly revised and expanded from this version.

Chapter 10: Mischievous Me

Constable X read me my rights as I sat there in shock. I don't recall the words, but I remember thinking how strange the Miranda-style rights were in Canada. Very much like the rights you hear read in the States,...  read

Chapter 9: The Mounties Get Their Man

Now, before we go any farther, I should perhaps clarify a couple of things. First, you should know that, when I phoned in my bomb threat, I never expected that Elder Finn's flight would experience anything more than short delay....  read

Chapter 8: Local Customs

I felt a moment's euphoria after making that rather dire pronouncement. I had done it! I had actually done it! I stood there next to the phone booth for several seconds, not moving—until suddenly the full import of what I...  read

About December 1995

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